Aviation In Canada

Friday, June 10, 2005

Air Canada Boeings

I didn't yet write about this, but I read a while back that Air Canada was looking at B777 and the new "Dreamliner" from Boeing. They had orders for some that were described as "firm", and then in yesterday's paper I read a little blurb in the buisness section that these orders were in jeopardy due to the lack of an agreement between Air Canada and the pilot's union. Damn those unions, eh? I see letter after letter in the editorials section of our newspaper blaming everything on unions and how they've outlived their usefulness and so on. Unions have not outlived their usefulness, in my opinion, and are there to protect worker groups against injustices often served up by their employers.

Back to the original note, I read a followup in today's paper that a tentative agreement has been reached, and that the order may yet go ahead to see Air Canada taking on more Boeing products. It'll be interesting to see some new types of airplanes in a Canadian airline's fleet. I just hope they fly my way eventually. Although I have a relatively large collection of airplane pics, I'm always willing to add to them.